This LTI® v1.3 Reference Implementation Test Tool is provided by IMS Global Learning Consortium. Limited functionality is provided free of charge. IMS Members have access to the complete functionality of the tool including services and message types. Join now to experience full functionality of the tool, technical support and certification. If you are an existing member login here for full access.

Name: ooolab_external_tool

Client: ooolab123456

Private Key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA9Nt+W7VAB8EsqKzHle+1 i24t82xPXzHnu8jidxn1tNQ9X/r7aOLcH9zolj4lh37+Xa0bbfNQ/LYptR9PWyx9 oD4qN2Gz4KqJNh/nY8s2Wj408wfOnabtWbQxJV3LHb1NhjCA5grEUPO9Ui1d1xU4 Ot5p2TB491CSAbbTvmR5zRIm+zO1jqc8FZkh4XaEPj5Bl7Wc7x7kJhQdahSmWi2K HYyyigs0tNA1CL78uzjfOwOe9vPRdaT4OpdxTDy/c4C4Wh82PbYM9JiiC+Q1O53z v/OiSI/wI3uCSrmJRG9dMztZ/aYWZVIM4jzS5OxWhoebXG+db9+GSnyCLQAHAvoE ZQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Deployment ID: ooolab_lms_key

Keyset URL:

OAuth2 URL:

Platform OIDC Auth URL

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