This LTI® v1.3 Reference Implementation Test Tool is provided by IMS Global Learning Consortium. Limited functionality is provided free of charge. IMS Members have access to the complete functionality of the tool including services and message types. Join now to experience full functionality of the tool, technical support and certification. If you are an existing member login here for full access.

Name: Ilyusha

Client: 77712345

Private Key: MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA7QiZMVMrZfTPeKbaau/6 ugBO9xZbGWc6LtgZx0dkFjeHGXer6zRRQMsytJJgNeLWp1BdBvDuqpyildDNxkU+ NmwxPXqek/aQYIq58YKK9XGlDzWt1DD4BmEvDrvYBWVykfvpfEfPHyqNkdOGNdnm DKoSXQvKDYJWbrGpCAlCogQ0LHOWLVNBUg6wzCTXiF24LYmHcEC2qWhP8P2IAVxz koestzxlEIIhwQXoWEga3gLXxeco2r9uD5eyCa1L0BJZiLwFZX8wohhQ9xQd4XuZ zK3MX4RXf0KvLoxZEK9Qo+2NL0HjNnOwUNCQzknKRRQ/0CILgOQalvIZCct9rZQ+ cQIDAQAB

Deployment ID: z23

Keyset URL:

OAuth2 URL:

Platform OIDC Auth URL

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