This LTI® v1.3 Reference Implementation Test Tool is provided by IMS Global Learning Consortium. Limited functionality is provided free of charge. IMS Members have access to the complete functionality of the tool including services and message types. Join now to experience full functionality of the tool, technical support and certification. If you are an existing member login here for full access.

Name: MyTool

Client: 12345

Private Key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAr4K3ZG0lDrB0/ZO22dCR XjK5SVGO1l+j8EG14gxUDlopa6wTRPN21blsvtDyKK7jOhcwbj099YvoofLtijbb GEUSfOhY8KDSXBhRLVqOJRJMu41KPIXY9Qqwyn3Kv8jRNO7KprOypRIp5y/WMZ7M Jtypg7FHAJOXhLQm7Avl7Rr0IP6dcuv9PT0f2bUOoYmx8ciIUAXd6Dpw5pz+hOjf i829c6m8usJk7BtFQlfkOyV3pq5U8QQkcuAAmC1YPMo/3Zs/Px0yl4PPNjprt1dh d5ZBV9jH7xsGDm3drXypNJ+jfnd8fBQF2g7RwJx+SwinciaagUODXKvkMy9KimTe pwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Deployment ID: 1

Keyset URL:

OAuth2 URL:

Platform OIDC Auth URL

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