response_type: id_token (required, the tool must use a value of id_token)
response_mode: form_post (required, tools and platforms must support a value of form_post)
client_id: 123450 (required, client identifier valid at the Platform)
scope: openid (required, must contain the openid scope value)
state: state-66ee3d25af00d9_24782744 (required, opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback)
login_hint: 636897 (required, tools and platforms must support a value of form_post)
lti_message_hint: 74326 (required, a platform opaque identifier identifying the user to login)
prompt: none (optional, The tool should use a value of none. In the future a re-launch flow may support additional values being used here)
nonce: nonce-66ee3d25af0208.19530290 (optional, string value used to associate a client session with an ID token, and to mitigate replay attacks)