Launch was successfuly received by Reference Tool.
0 Errors below.
0 Warnings below.
JWT was decoded correctly with the kid (Key ID) and public key provided by the Platform.
For the purposes of this example the Proctoring Tool starts an audio/video conference with the candidate and asks them to present government issued id and the candidate offers their passport to the webcam. A live Proctor validates that the given and family names on the passport match those in the Start Proctoring message and that the passport photo is a good likeness of the person presenting the document! Satisfied that the candidate’s environment is secure the Proctoring Tool issues the Start Assessment message (click below)
"error": "client assertion JWT has invalid values or missing attributes"
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "DQ_YeumvpWiJLetmn769A66Q5wUCGxxUV0guecvOoPk"
"iss": "",
"sub": "b74463308411ebaa9589",
"aud": "123456",
"exp": 1703051414,
"iat": 1703051114,
"nonce": "525880f026f4fcf8fa2d"
"email_verified": true,
"locale": "en-US",
"": {
"color": "violet"
"": "LtiStartProctoring",
"": [
"": [
"": {
"id": "77620",
"title": "Arabic Course 1 Resource22",
"description": "Arabic Course 1 for test22"
"": {
"id": "55663",
"label": "Course1",
"title": "Course1",
"type": [
"": {
"name": "Platform1912",
"contact_email": "",
"description": "",
"url": "",
"product_family_code": "",
"version": "1.0",
"guid": "4594"
"": "1",
"": "",
"": 77620,
"": {
"data": "video=on,audio=on,screencapture=off"
"": {
"actions": [
"assessment_control_url": ""
"": "1.3.0",
"": {
"document_target": "iframe",
"height": 320,
"width": 240,
"return_url": ""
"": {
"myCustomValue": "123"
"": "Deployment1",
"": ""