This LTI® v1.3 Reference Implementation Test Tool is provided by IMS Global Learning Consortium. Limited functionality is provided free of charge. IMS Members have access to the complete functionality of the tool including services and message types. Join now to experience full functionality of the tool, technical support and certification. If you are an existing member login here for full access.

Name: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwWqNAMKIcjdLB8D3HMe+ t3wek32scAjgKzvzWJA0kfbtd0x5GNqKokhbGVwSnKK8PuIUlucUowzRci1SP6yt E9AQvZnoPMM0FIDfb7LfUm4Pj9xpSg+q5xW1TiNBx/k0m0m/S22SvSrDmYYfH8gI 8Ye4fDOeRzxccWanqrk4Lgzg5dzID/o6obMEFpQSKgy/pPMT8oc3vd3KK4BuYPtU 7Z8lN42wulgVzAhJ1A0GFkkojE9c9YaJnNbAwqpmO/Wy6ImkRY1Y9eQv6hFDf/Li QgbzGHII+NVvSUTA3etqDC8zfCfh1FxGGjabAdewHrUckIzXOijxJDKQuue4LrCN 2wIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Platform: 3875

Deployment ID: 1

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