These are LTI Results recieved by this Platform.
User: Willy Gerlach Frami
LineItem: label_line_item
Score Given: 13.0
Score Maximum: 100
Activity Progress: Completed
Grading Progress: FullyGraded
Comment: Hmm this student needs to study
User: Jessie Prosacco Conroy
LineItem: Chapter 12 quiz
Score Given: 42.0
Score Maximum: 100
Activity Progress: Completed
Grading Progress: FullyGraded
Comment: Hmm this student needs to study
User: Bruno Hauck Ondricka
LineItem: Chapter 12 quiz
Score Given: 9.0
Score Maximum: 100
Activity Progress: Completed
Grading Progress: FullyGraded
Comment: Hmm this student needs to study
User: Cassie Lockman Feest
LineItem: Chapter 12 quiz
Score Given: 57.0
Score Maximum: 100
Activity Progress: Completed
Grading Progress: FullyGraded
Comment: Hmm this student needs to study
User: Blake Skiles VonRueden
LineItem: Chapter 12 quiz
Score Given: 69.0
Score Maximum: 100
Activity Progress: Completed
Grading Progress: FullyGraded
Comment: Hmm this student needs to study